Fan Mail

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hey, Paul. Enjoying the podcast. Keep them coming.
Jasper, Alabama
Just listened to Episode 28.  Excellent recap.  I have decided which side I'm on. 🇮🇱
Jasper, Alabama
#29: clear thinking. Sure to get lost in the noise. Future historians may wonder why.
Jasper, Alabama
Hello, thank you for producing this show. I look forward to listening every week. I do wish it was substantially longer. I can't speak for others, but I personally would listen to several hours of your content. Dan Carlin or Darryl Cooper like. Hopefully, you don't take this as a negative. It is not meant to be, just a suggestion. I think you could carry it for hours. Thank you again for your time and effort into the show, I really do look forward to a new episode weekly. Your Fan, Brian
Irvine, California